Contact Grand Valley Equestrian

Alicia (225) 388-4942
Christine (250) 423 -1725

Based in Fernie British Columbia and Crowsnest Pass Alberta


Reminder, we are a business based in the ring, not in an office.
If you require our immediate attention please call.

Want to show your pride for the Grand Valley Team at your next lesson or show?
Shop our branded apparel here.


New Student Forms

We at pride ourselves on running an organized and professional business. Along with that comes a little bit of paperwork. If you are new to the Grand Valley Team please use the links here to download your new student paperwork.

  • Find the guidelines to a successful relationship with Grand Valley Equestrian by reading and downloading the New Student Form
    click here to download

  • Anyone who wishes to participate in horse related activities with Grand Valley Equestrian has to sign a Waiver of Liability.
    Please click here to download waiver